File Conversion of JPG, PNG Files to PDF and Word in Numeric

Budget 0.17
Bids 1
Avg. Bid 0.17
Data Entry

Created by : kelvinn (0)


Rating: 0/ 10  

Project Description

2 The aim of this project is to develop a file conversion tool that can efficiently convert JPG and PNG image files into PDF and Word documents. The tool will also have the capability to arrange the converted files in both numerical and alphabetical order, providing users with a convenient and organized output.
3 Objectives:
• Develop a user-friendly file conversion tool capable of converting JPG and PNG files to PDF and Word formats.
• Implement functionality to arrange the converted files in numerical and alphabetical order.
• Ensure accurate conversion of images to maintain the integrity and quality of the original content.
• Provide a seamless and efficient conversion process, allowing users to convert multiple files simultaneously.
• Create an intuitive user interface to facilitate easy navigation and usage of the tool.
3 Features:
4 a) File Conversion:
5 The tool will support the conversion of JPG and PNG files into both PDF and Word formats. This will enable users to choose the desired output format based on their requirements.
b) Sorting Options:
To enhance file organization, the tool will offer two sorting options: numerical and alphabetical. Users will have the flexibility to select their preferred sorting method, ensuring easy access and retrieval of converted files.
c) Batch Conversion:
The tool will support batch conversion, allowing users to convert multiple files at once. This feature will significantly improve efficiency, saving users time and effort.
d) Preservation of Image Quality:
During the conversion process, the tool will ensure that the quality and integrity of the original images are maintained. The converted files will accurately represent the content of the source files, without any loss in resolution or clarity.
e) User-Friendly Interface:
The tool will have an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise. The interface will provide clear instructions and options, enabling users to navigate through the conversion process seamlessly.

Skills required

  • Data Entry
  • Posted 09:40 05/28/23
  • Ends 09:40 06/07/23
  • Project ID 298
  • Report Project
Freelancers Bidding (1)Bid (BTC)


Rating: 0/10  

I'm not sure if this means you want a program which performs this, or by Data Entry category, you mean that you want someone to use the program you are explaining with these requirements. If it is a software tool you want developed, I can do this.

Bid (BTC): 0.17 BTC